Over 12,000 disciples around the world in 2019!

Praise the Father's great love!  In 2019 we trained more than 12,000 disciples around the world.  God's blessings and grace is everywhere. Many people's lives have been rebuilt, and many lives have been changed!  One of the greatest blessings is that we were able to work together and obey the Great commission of Jesus!  

During this period, we also experienced many difficulties and hardships including being sick, dealing with bed bugs at the hotel, flight delays/cancellations, and Grace having a stroke.  By the protection of God’s grace and the Holy Spirit, as well as your love supports, encouragements, and prayers, we were able to stay strong.  With the power of God, we stood up again and again to serve the Lord.

In our recent devotions, we have come to realize we need to let the cross continually mold us. This includes letting the cross cut away anything that should not be with us such as temper, worry, fear, tension, pride, etc.  

"I will turn my hand against you; I will thoroughly purge away your dross and remove all your impurities."  Isaiah‬ ‭1:25‬ ‭NIV‬  

I hope that we will encourage each other and pray and fulfill the ultimate goal of the Lord Jesus in this last world.  "And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come."

‭‭Matthew‬ ‭24:14‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Witness sharing: 

· A trainer was caught up by the police. He first witnessed the police officer and led the police officer to believe in Jesus.  The police officer is now a third-generation disciple.  Thank God!  

· A trainer who led the entire fitness room to believe in Jesus in a single day, a total of 40 people.  Thank God!  

· A young assistant pastor in South Korea immediately started a new T4T church after receiving T4T training, determined to train each believer to become a trainer.  

· A group of university graduates in mainland China sent more than 200 missionaries to work in Southeast Asia, South Asia and the Middle East after receiving T4T training.  

· One of our trainers in Myanmar led the monks of an entire temple to believe in Jesus.  The monks then went out to pray for many patients, who were all healed.  

·A trainer evangelized in prison and led a prisoner from Mexico to believe in Jesus.  This person reads the entire Bible once a week and led 32 prisoners to Jesus in three weeks!  This is the power of the gospel!


Grace and Ying  Kai
