Over 2,500 people trained across the globe in 8 months

From the second half of 2018 to Feb. 2019, we trained at the following countries: Russia, United Kingdom, Brazil, Korea, Bulgaria, Thailand, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Austria, Switzerland, India, North America and the Philippines. There were more than 2,500 people that participated in the various T4T training.

Every region’s training had great results! We find that in this age of the last days, we are fighting against spiritual demons! We are also racing against time, because the day the Lord Jesus came back is near. However, many people still don't know Jesus. There are also many who claim to be Christians, but they are still not disciples of the Lord. We need to work harder to train people to become disciples of the Lord!

Many areas invite us to train, but they can't afford our travel expenses. We also did not have a way to raise enough funds. From May 2018 to February 2019, only one of South Korea’s churches were able to pay for our travel expenses. No other areas were able to or if could contribute, it was only a small portion. The pressure in our hearts is great! There are often voices saying to us: Give up! No one wants to help you, this is not the job you should do. However, looking back at our training work, it has had a huge effect. Tens of thousands of people have been encouraged. The lives of thousands of people have been changed! We know that this is the battle of the last days. The devil wants us to give up and stop training people.

Our dear brothers and sisters! We pray earnestly, and in the depths of the spirit, we know very well the Lord Jesus' call to us: to make the nations a disciple of Jesus! We cannot stop, we must always keep going! Because in the spirit, there is never a promise of a truce! Therefore, We sincerely invite you to work with us and join us in fulfilling the mission of the Kingdom of Heaven! Because without you as our co-workers, we are not able to keep moving. Please pray that if the Heavenly Father touches you and that you have a heavy burden to help us, work with us in this God’s kingdom, and let us accomplish the Great Commission of the Lord Jesus together!

We greatly appreciate your support and are also sure that the Father will inevitably reward you!

If you are willing to participate and support our global training. Please visit our support page to support us financially and to pray for us. If you would like to support us directly, our address is 308 Highland Horizon, Austin, TX 78717.

In Southern Bulgaria, a city near the Turkish border, mostly consisting of Muslim population, after receiving the T4T training, Pastor Hari Atanasov was able to they began more than thirty churches in a short amount of time. Thanks for God!

We trained a Korean missionary (Philip Yoon) in Manila, Philippines. After receiving T4T training, 650 churches were established within two years. More than 40,000 people accepted Jesus. Many churches would meet on the basketball court, on the street, or at home.

In Brazil, many pastors and ministers were greatly encouraged. We saw new believers develop from generation to generation. Praise The Lord!

Within India, because of the training of T4T, there have been great results! One of the church planting movements has already brought tens of thousands of people to believe in Jesus consisting of more than seven thousand churches. May the glory be to God!

In Taiwan, a church in Kaohsiung, more than 100 brothers and sisters received T4T training for several weeks. Within a month, they witnessed to 911 non-Christians and led 71 people to believe in Jesus. 13 of the trainees also used T4T to train another 65 people. During the month, the number of church Sundays increased by 400. Thanks to our Lord!
