Wonderful and Abundant Grace

Twenty years ago, in November 2000, we started T4T training under the guidance and touch of the Holy Spirit!

At that time, we had been serving the Lord for more than 25 years. We were determined to obey, abandon the old pastoral observations, and obey Jesus' Great Commission to train everyone to become a disciple of the Lord. We immediately experienced different results. We said to ourselves, the opportunity has come and we need to take advantage of it!

On December 19, 2000, I was invited to a training at a telephone factory run by a Hongkonger. Before the training was over, there were policemen waiting at the door. They came in, took me to the office of the head of religion in that city, and accused me of illegal preaching. I thought to myself, this is really bad! We just started working here and we are going to be kicked out. The director slapped me at the table in front of many people. About ten minutes later, he said, “You can all go out!” I thought I could leave, but he pointed to me and said, “You! Stay!” After everyone left, he suddenly changed his attitude and said to me gently, “Close the door and take a seat.” I was nervous and surprised, what is going on? He said, “You know what? Six years ago, I had colorectal cancer. The doctor declared that I could not be saved, but two pastors of the open church came to pray for me. The Lord Jesus healed me so I am a Christian, but because I am Communist, I can only be a disciple secretly. This time I protect you, next time you have to be careful!” I couldn’t believe it, it was amazing! This is God's work, and when He opens the door, no one can close it. He Himself will guard this work and His servants. Thank God!

In the past two decades, T4T has been used in more than 180 countries and regions around the world. Every year, the lives of more than one million people are changed. Not only do they know Jesus, but they also become disciples from believers!

2020 has been a very difficult year, a pandemic affected the whole world. The devil cut off all short-term mission teams and countless missionaries' ministries. Many if not all places and churches where we can worship God were closed. But thanks to the Heavenly Father whom opened the gospel ministry on the Internet for His people. He made the gospel and disciple training work better, spreading farther and faster. This reminded me of what is mentioned in Revelation - in the last days, God will use angels to fly in the sky to preach the gospel and no one can stop it!

I entered the emergency room twice at the beginning of March this year, which resulted in a triple bypass heart surgery. Now I am on the road to recovery, praise God!

Now looking forward to 2021, we are full of expectations that greater revival and blessings will come. We sincerely invite you to work with us to quickly complete Jesus’ strategy: the gospel of the kingdom of heaven will be preached throughout the world, and all mankind will become disciples of the Lord! Amen!

Our budget for 2021 is US$120,000 which includes travel, training camps, all materials, and Bible needs. Your help and prayers are also much needed. This is also God's greatest blessing to you and your family!
